
biografie: Dr. Hanno Wijsman

Hanno Wijsman is postdoc researcher in Leiden, as part of the Belgian IUAP/PAI project “Urban Society in the Low Countries, Late Middle Ages – 16th Century”, in which research groups collaborate from the Universities of Ghent (UG), Brussels (ULB), Antwerp (UA) and Leiden (UL), as well as from the Royal Library of Belgium (KBR, Manuscript department).

In June 2003 he defended his PhD thesis about the production of illustrated manuscripts and the libraries of noblemen and –women in the Burgundian Netherlands (1400-1550). This dissertation was credited “cum laude” and was rewarded with a Research Prize of the Praemium Erasmianum Foundation. An edition in English translation is in preparation.

The “Niels Stensen Stichting” has awarded Hanno Wijsman a grant to spend the year 2004 in Paris in order to do research in the collections of several libraries and research institutions.

Fields of Interest

Medieval history. The Burgundian Netherlands. Manuscript production. Book possession. Medieval libraries. Function and use of books. Gender aspects of book possession. Illuminated manuscripts. Miniatures. Text-image relationships in illustrated manuscripts. Art patronage. Iconography. The use of images as a source for historical research.

Major publications

Hanno Wijsman, “Femmes, livres et éducation dans la dynastie bourgondo-habsbourgeoise. Trois Marguerites à la loupe”, Marguerite d’York et son temps. Publication du Centre européen d’études bourguignonnes 44 (2004), (in press).

Hanno Wijsman, “De bibliotheek van het kasteel Hoogstraten in 1548 en het adellijk boekenbezit in de Bourgondische Nederlanden”, Jaarboek van het Nederlands Genootschap van Bibliofielen 12 (2004), (in press).

Hanno Wijsman, “Manuscrits illustrés dans les Pays-Bas bourguignons. Quelques remarques quantititives”, Gazette du livre médiéval 43 (2003), 23-33.

Hanno Wijsman, Gebonden weelde. Productie van geïllustreerde handschriften en adellijk boekenbezit in de Bourgondische Nederlanden (1400-1550)(dissertation, Leiden University 2003) (with a résumé in French).

Hanno Wijsman, “Heiligen en burgers. Veranderingen in het beeld van kind en gezin in de late middeleeuwen”, Leidschrift 17 (2002) nr. 3, 37-58.

Hanno Wijsman , “Praal, ernst, emotie en nog veel meer. Museum Meermanno-Westreenianum: oude handschriften en nieuwe media”, Madoc, tijdschrift over de Middeleeuwen 16 (2002) nr. 2, 74-81.

Hanno Wijsman , “Een Italiaan in den vreemde. Over de rol van Aeneas Silvius Picolomini in de verspreiding van het humanisme in Midden-Europa”, Leidschrift 12 (1996/97) nr. 1, 33-51.