
biografie: Heathcote W. Garrod


Heathcote William Garrod was a British classical scholar and literary scholar. He was Fellow of Merton College, Oxford for over 60 years. He was Oxford Professor of Poetry from 1923 to 1928.


Opvs epistolarvm Des Erasmi Roterdami (1906) editor with H. M. Allen The Religion of All Good Men: And Other Studies in Christian Ethics (1906) Manili Astronomicon Liber II (1911) The Oxford Book of Latin Verse (1912) Einhard's Life of Charlemagne (1915) editor with R. B. Mowat Wordsworth: Lectures and Essays (1923) Byron 1824-1924 (1924) Coleridge Poetry and Prose with Essays By Hazlitt, Jeffrey, De Quincey, Carlyle & Others (1925) editor Keats (1926) Merton Muniments (1928) with P. S. Allen The Poetry of Collins (1928) Warton Lecture The Profession of Poetry and other lectures (1929) Poetry and the Criticism of Life (1931) Ancient Painted Glass in Merton College Oxford (1931) Tolstoi's Theory of Art (1935) Taylorian Lecture Opera Flacci, Q. Horati (1941) editor with Edward C. Wickham Epigrams (1946) List of the Writings of H. W. Garrod (1947) John Donne; Poetry and Prose with Izaac Walton's Life. Appreciations By Ben Jonson, Dryden, Coleridge and Others (1948) Genius Loci and other essays (1950) Poetical Works of John Keats (1956) Study of Good Letters (1963)


John Jones, "Heathcote William Garrod. 1878-1960," Proceedings of the British Academy 48 (1962) 357-370