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New anthem

When Brexxan first, at Johnsons command,
Arose from out of the EU main,
Arose from out of the EU main,
This was the charter,
The charter of the land,
And half the voters sang this strain:

Down Brexxannia, Brexannia down the drains!
Brexxans, ever, ever, ever will be slaves,

EU nations far more blest than thee
Must, in their turn, to glory rise,
Must in their turn, to glory rise.
While thou shalt drown deap but free:
The dread and envy and the lies.

Down Brexxannia, Brexannia down the drains!
Brexxans, ever, ever, ever will be slaves,

Still more desperate will thou sink,
More weaker bij each quarrels stroke,
As the nose smells that dreadfull stink,
Rottens whole the root of native oak.

Down Brexxannia, Brexannia down the drains!
Brexxans, ever, ever, ever will be slaves,

Schrijver: Jan R. Lønsing, 14 maart 2019

Geplaatst in de categorie: muziek

3.7 met 3 stemmen aantal keer bekeken 711

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Lezer., 6 jaar geleden
....deze site heet toch

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